The International Court of Justice

Event: The International Court of Justice and Climate Change: Reflections and Expectations

On 13 December, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will make history as it addresses the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in a groundbreaking process to determine the legal obligations of countries in respect to climate change and the consequences of failing to act. 

These proceedings mark the first time the ICJ, the United Nations’ highest judicial authority, has taken up the issue of climate change, potentially reshaping global climate governance and strengthening the legal foundations for urgent action.

A total of 98  States and 12 international organizations have expressed their intention to participate in the oral proceedings before the Court. IUCN will be represented by Dr Grethel Aguilar, IUCN Director GeneralProf Christina Voigt, Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law; and Prof Francesco Sindico, Co-chair of the Commission’s Climate Change Law Specialist Group.

IUCN’s legal team will respond to the two main questions the Court has been asked: What are the obligations of States under international law to ensure the protection of the climate system and other parts of the environment from anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases? And what are the legal consequences under these obligations for States where they have caused significant harm to the climate system and other parts of the environment?

13 December, 2024: The International Court of Justice and Climate Change: Reflections and Expectations

On Friday, 13 December, 2024, IUCN will discuss these historical proceedings during an event in The Hague. What have we seen over the last two weeks? What happens next? What can be expected from the court? What might be the impact of the Advisory Opinion and how does it relate to similar opinions from other international courts, in particular the International Tribunal for Law of the Sea (ITLOS) and the Inter American Court for Human Rights (IACtHR).

List of speakers:

  • Dr. Grethel Aguilar, IUCN Director General
  • Prof. Dr. Christina Voigt – IUCN WCEL Chair, Lead legal counsel of the IUCN in the advisory proceedings at ICJ, ITLOS and IACtHR
  • Prof. Dr. Francesco Sindico, co-chair of the IUCN WCEL Climate Change Law Specialist Group and member of the IUCN delegation at the ICJ
  • Liliana Jauregui, Senior Expert Environmental Justice at IUCN NL

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Liliana Jauregui
Liliana Jauregui
Antoinette Sprenger
Senior Expert Environmental Justice