IUCN NL at COP16: side events overview

The Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP) is an important event to halt global biodiversity loss. At COP16, taking place in Cali, Colombia this month, countries will come together to review progress and take further steps in implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF). The theme of this COP is ‘Peace with Nature’. IUCN NL will also be present at this important event, organising and supporting a number of side events. 

After the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted in 2022, two years later it is time to look at the progress at the national level. Countries will evaluate their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), further develop the monitoring mechanism and mobilise resources for implementation. Operationalisation of a multilateral benefit-sharing mechanism for digital sequencing information is also on the agenda.  


IUCN NL is committed to a just world in which nature is protected and valued. Our focus is on safeguarding nature as the basis of all life on Earth, with a specific focus on areas under great pressure from biodiversity loss and where people directly depend on these ecosystems.  

We will be present at COP16, to share our vision and work together to find concrete solutions to global conservation challenges. We aim to contribute to the international agenda around biodiversity through this event, with a particular focus on vulnerable natural areas and Indigenous and local communities.  

IUCN NL is (co-)organising several side events during COP16. These events provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices and contribute to promoting international cooperation on nature conservation. Below is an overview of the confirmed side events to which IUCN NL contributes in different ways.

Overview of side events

Europe-Latin America Perspectives on Mechanisms for the Protection of Environmental Defenders 

Over the past decade, the decline of space for civil society has made biodiversity protection more difficult in Latin America and the Caribbean. This has resulted in limited participation, environmental justice and the right to defend the environment. Despite the support of the Escazú Agreement and the Aarhus Convention, defenders are still at great risk. Civil society organisations and original inhabitants have set up independent protection mechanisms. This event brings together experts and conservationists from Europe and Latin America to share experiences, discuss challenges and develop innovative solutions for better environmental protection.  

Organised by: EU, SIDA, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Mexican Environmental Law Centre, Sotzi’l Indigenous organization – Guatemala, Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Right to a Healthy, Clean and Sustainable Environment, IUCN NL.

When: Tuesday, 22 October 13:15 (GMT-5)  

Where: EU pavilion – Blue Zone  

Irene Dankelman Young Ecofeminist Award: Recognition for young ecofeminist activists

The Irene Dankelman Young Ecofeminist Award honours young activists from the Global South who work for both environmental and gender equality. Their work, at the intersection of social and environmental justice, is essential but often underexposed. The event will present the award to the winners, who stand out for their contribution to climate and biodiversity issues. The winners will present their initiatives at COP16, giving them greater visibility and recognition at the international level.

Organised by: WECF, IUCN NL, Both ENDS, WEDO

When: Tuesday 22 October, 14.30 (GMT-5)

Where: Cali Chambre of Commerce / Main auditorium – Green Zone

Empowering women environmental defenders: gender-responsive territorial strategies from Latin America relevant for monitoring the Global Biodiversity Framework   

The unequal impact of biodiversity loss on women in local communities is the focus of this event, as well as the importance of gender-responsive indicators for fair and community-based accountability within the Global Biodiversity Framework. It also explores opportunities and challenges in various global and regional forums to strengthen the role of women as leaders and decision-makers in biodiversity conservation.  

Organised by: FARN (host), UICN ORMACC, UICN SUR, IUCN NL, SPDA, PLURALES, CBD Women Caucus, Ecomaxei, ENJUVES  

When: Wednesday, October 23 18:00 (GMT-5)  

Where: Blue Zone in Cano Cristales – CEE meeting room – Plaza One  

Locally driven business cases for nature and climate: lessons for biodiversity finance plans 

All funding streams should be aligned with climate and biodiversity goals. But how do we ensure that funding reaches local initiatives, where innovation and solutions for biodiversity and climate are most urgent? This event explores how biodiversity finance plans (such as National Biodiversity Finance Plans – NBFP) can be aligned with local realities and initiatives. Building on the experience of the Mobilising More for Climate (MoMo4C) programme, successful examples from Cameroon, Indonesia and Ghana will be discussed, as well as the role of public-private partnerships and the design of integrated financing solutions.

Organised by: A Rocha International (host), IUCN NL, WWF, IUCN, ECOTRUST, TBI

When: Thursday, 24 October 10:10 (GMT-5)  

Where: Blue zone in Cocora – Subnational and Local Authorities meeting room – Plaza One  

Partner exchange Land Acquisition Fund   

IUCN NL’s Land Acquisition Fund contributes to expanding, connecting and securing habitats for endangered species worldwide. We do this by enabling nature organisations on the ground to secure threatened patches of nature, in cooperation with local communities. During COP16, partner organisations present will come together to exchange experiences and ideas.  

Organised by: IUCN NL Land Acquisition Fund  

When: Thursday, 24 October 18:30 (GMT-5)  

This event is for invited guests.  

Financing Biodiversity locally: success and ambitions for resource mobilisation 

This event highlights the experiences of local actors within the Mobilising More for Climate (MoMo4C) programme in developing organic agroforestry value chains relevant to water, food security and renewable energy. The central theme is gender equality and inclusiveness across generations. Policymakers will gain insight into how resources, including private finance, can be mobilised to meet the targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and develop National Biodiversity Financing Plans (NBFPs) that match the experiences and aspirations of local communities. It also highlights the link between Nature-based Solutions and the Dutch water sector, with opportunities for knowledge exchange and collaboration.  

Organised by: IUCN NL (host), A Rocha Ghana, WWF, ECOTRUST and TBI  

When: Monday 28 October, 15:00 (GMT-5) 

Where: NL Pavilion – Blue zone  

Prosper with Nature: safeguarding biodiversity and human rights in energy transition mineral supply chains 

A just energy transition requires that the mining of critical transition minerals, such as nickel and cobalt, is done with respect for biodiversity and human rights. This event discusses how the mining of these minerals in biodiversity-rich countries can be aligned with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement to avoid negative impacts on nature and communities in these areas. Case studies from Indonesia, West Africa and other countries illustrate the challenges and opportunities.  

A panel of experts proposes a set of actions, safeguards and best practices that can be implemented throughout the value chain, from production countries to end users, to prevent the energy transition from leading to further biodiversity loss, while momentum in the green transition is maintained.  

Organised by: IUCN NL (host), Auriga Nusantara, A Rocha Ghana, Center for Transnational Environmental Accountability, Rainforest Foundation Norway, and Mighty Earth  

When: Wednesday, 30 October 09:00 (GMT-5)  

Where: IUCN Pavilion – Blue zone  

This event can also be followed online via the livestream.

Women’s Land and Water Tenure Rights and Equitable Biodiversity Governance: From Global Commitments to Local Actions  

Women’s role in land and water governance is crucial for biodiversity and sustainable development. Secure land rights for women often lead to better outcomes for families, such as improved nutrition and lower levels of gender-based violence. In this event, panelists discuss the current status and challenges of women’s land and water rights, and the implications for biodiversity governance. The need for cooperation between the three Rio Conventions and the importance of gender equality in biodiversity decision-making will be discussed. It also explores strategies to translate global commitments into concrete actions at the national level, focusing on the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy targets. IUCN NL supports this event.

Organised by: CBD Women Caucus (host), ILC, ICCA Consortium, COOPESOLIDAR, RRI, EcoMaxei, FARN, RWI, GNHRE, TINTA, WWF, WM-GATC

When: Wednesday, 30 October 11:40 (GMT-5)  

Where: Cocuy – Marie Khan Women’s Caucus meeting room Plaza One  

Enhancing support for IP&LC-led biodiversity conservation in tropical forests to sustain water cycles 

Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP&LCs) play a crucial role in protecting tropical forests, which are essential for biodiversity and water regulation. This event examines how local actions of IP&LCs contribute to climate adaptation and water management. It looks at the policy and financial support needed to strengthen their role in national biodiversity strategies.  

Organised by: Green Livelihoods Alliance: IUCN NL, Gaia, NTFP-EP, FoEI, Tropenbos, Global Forest Coalition, A Rocha Ghana, Savia Bolivia.  

When: Thursday, 31 October 11:30 (GMT-5)  

Where: NL Pavilion – Blue zone 

The Escazú Agreement as a catalyst for the Global Biodiversity Framework in Latin America 

The Escazú Agreement plays a crucial role in preventing socio-environmental conflicts, protecting biodiversity and ensuring human rights in Latin America. This event will share lessons from the Escazú Now Network and other partners, focusing on facilitating a fairer distribution of biodiversity benefits and promoting citizen participation in environmental management.  


When: Thursday, 31 October 15:00 (GMT-5)  

Where: Cocuy – Marie Khan Women’s Caucus meeting room – Plaza One  

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