Dutch nature policy: our main priorities

  • Dutch nature policy in line with international agreements and policy
  • Dutch nature policy is approached holistically and coordinated with other societal objectives
  • Key players in nature policy work closely together
  • Dutch nature policy in line with international agreements and policy
  • Dutch nature policy is approached holistically and coordinated with other societal objectives
  • Key players in nature policy work closely together

Promoting vigorous nature policy

IUCN NL is well-positioned to promote vigorous nature policy. We are, after all, the largest and broadest platform for Dutch nature and biodiversity organisations, involving civil society organisations, knowledge institutions and the Dutch national government. We enhance the exchange of knowledge and views between these stakeholders and work towards joint strategies.

In addition to our network of Dutch IUCN members, we also operate in other partnerships to promote policies that put nature and biodiversity first. We are a partner in the Delta Plan for Biodiversity and we are part of the Groene 11, the public affairs alliance of various nature and environmental organisations.

International knowledge and standards

In addition, we are part of the largest union for nature conservation in the world: the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). We distribute the international knowledge and standards of IUCN in the Netherlands and we ensure the optimal use of the international IUCN network for nature policy.

Integration with international nature policy

IUCN is closely involved in the development of international nature policy. In the Netherlands, we promote the input of civil society organisations and businesses into international policy-making and we strive for a strong link between national and international nature policy.

Convention on Biological Diversity

The Netherlands’ nature policy has long been strongly embedded in international agreements and policies and we are already enjoying the benefits of this. The Netherlands is an active participant in worldwide UN conventions on nature, for which the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) determines the joint goals and strategy.

In December 2022, at a global biodiversity summit in Montreal, the new biodiversity targets for the coming decade will be agreed upon. The Netherlands is also participating in the international Biodiversity Summit. With support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV), we worked with the Deltaplan Biodiversiteitherstel (Delta Plan for Biodiversity Restoration) and MVO Nederland on a Dutch Action Agenda for Biodiversity, which will contribute to the 2030 goals of the CBD. The action agenda compiles pledges of over 150 non-state actors.

European biodiversity strategy

In Europe, the global agreements on biodiversity have been converted into European policy, which has a major impact on Dutch nature policy. In 2020, the EU launched a new, ambitious European Biodiversity Strategy, which the Netherlands has also signed.

Currently, the European strategy is being translated into Dutch policy. IUCN NL is committed to a strong connection with the European policy and advises and supports the Dutch IUCN member organisations, including the government.

Sustainable Development Goals

IUCN is a worldwide advocate of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These worldwide goals were agreed upon in 2015 and link solutions for nature (SDG 15: Life on Land) with solutions for other societal challenges. We strongly support such an integrated approach to nature conservation.

IUCN NL represents the environmental organisations in SDG Netherlands and acts as national coordinator for SDG 15. In these roles we promote collaboration with other sectors and civil society organisations in the Netherlands.

Active collaboration

IUCN NL proactively encourages the collaboration and synergy between the different key players in the Netherlands that have an influence on nature policy and its implementation. We do this at the national level through the IUCN member platform, but also more generally. We support the input of society and businesses in international policy-making, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Learn more?

Maxime Eiselin
Senior Expert Nature-based Solutions