Header photo: Male Dugong and Golden trevally feeding on seagrass beds in Red Sea – Marsa Alam – Egypt (c) by cinoby from Getty Images Signature (via Canva Pro)

IUCN Red List: a comprehensive source of information

The IUCN Red List constitutes an important source for setting priorities in nature policy worldwide. The list provides detailed information on the conservation status of species, its range, threats, habitat and ecology of species, and conservation measures that can be taken to prevent extinction.

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‘Thanks to the IUCN NL Red List, we know what we should be concerned about and where our attention is urgently needed to prevent the destruction of our planet. It is a fantastic to-do list for the work of nature conservationists.’

Sir David Attenborough

Facts[1]Update 2024-I https://www.iucn.nl/en/news/iucn-red-list-iberian-lynx-rebounding-thanks-to-conservation-action/

  • 45,321 species are threatened with extinction.
  • This is 28% of all 163,040 species evaluated by the IUCN.

Objective assessment system

The list is compiled using an objective system that assesses the risk of a species becoming extinct. The assessment is performed using a standardised process with objective criteria. This guarantees the highest standards of scientific documentation, information management, expert assessment and substantiation.

Red List categories

Following an extensive evaluation of, among other things, the rarity and distribution of the species and population trends, all species are allocated a category that indicates the extent of its risk of extinction. An overview of the categories can be found in the IUCN Red List brochure.

The Netherlands’ Red Lists

In addition to the international Red List, regional and national Red Lists have also been compiled. They provide information about the status of species per region or country. In the Netherlands, Red Lists have been compiled for 18 groups of species. They indicate which species are endangered in the Netherlands. A species that is endangered in the Netherlands is not necessarily endangered on the global or European levels. For the public authorities, which have the Red Lists compiled and officially published, the Red Lists represent an important source for setting priorities in nature policy.

Frequently asked questions about the IUCN Red List

Learn more?

Sander van Andel
Senior Expert Nature Conservation