Nature as the foundation

Our vision is a just world in which nature is valued and protected. Our goal? To safeguard nature as the foundation for all life on earth. In this endeavour we devote special attention to areas that have a high natural value and special biodiversity, which are under pressure, and to the people who depend on that nature.

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‘Our goal is to safeguard nature as the foundation for all life on earth.’

Liliana Jauregui, Director of IUCN NL

The world’s largest union for nature conservation

IUCN bundles the experience, knowledge and network of over 1400 authorities, social organisations, knowledge institutions and over 15,000 experts. IUCN is the worldwide authority on the status of nature and the necessary conservation measures. IUCN’s international headquarters are based in Gland, Switzerland. For more information about IUCN.

IUCN in the Netherlands

IUCN NL is administratively and financially independent and follows its own strategy, which is consistent with and contributes to IUCN’s global strategy. We represent IUCN in the Netherlands and work closely with other IUCN branches and with partner organisations in and outside the international union.

IUCN NL forms the Dutch National Committee, or the platform for Dutch member organisations of the IUCN.

Our 2024-2026 strategy

Bundling our strengths

Our role and added value is to support and boost the work of (other) nature organisations in and outside the Netherlands and to bundle our strengths. This enables us to increase our collective impact. As well as bringing together key players, we advise social organisations, authorities and the business community on nature conservation and the sustainable use of nature.

We achieve our goals by developing and implementing specific programmes and projects. To do this we actively seek cooperation with partner organisations and various donors.

Transparency and good governance

We consider openness and good governance to be paramount. This is why we adhere to the transparency guidelines of the CBF quality label and are committed to the Partos and Goede Doelen Nederland professional codes of conduct. What’s more, we make our data public via the IATI (International Aid Transparancy Initiative). IUCN NL complies with the regulation for the remuneration of directors as established by Goede Doelen Nederland.

We are a foundation subject to Dutch law (Stichting IUCN Nederlands Nationaal Comité). Our Dutch Chamber of Commerce registration number is: 41180885

IUCN NL has obtained CBF-certification and ANBI (non-profit tax designation) status.

Supervisory board IUCN NL

Guidelines and policy

Working in a global, multicultural setting, IUCN NL strives to ensure best practice in its everyday operations. Therefore, the highest standards of conduct and professional ethics are expected from our staff. Our Code of Conduct provides guidance towards compliance with such standards.

IUCN NL is committed to providing a safe environment for its community, free from discrimination, (sexual) harassment and violence. We have zero tolerance for all forms of sexual wrongdoing. IUCN NL follows the IUCN global SEAH policy.

The Code of Conduct, SEAH policy and other guidelines and policies, like our procedure on complaints, can be found below.

Annual Report