Photo by Zdenek Machacek on Unsplash

Collaborative partners

IUCN NL works together with nature organisations in multiple countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Netherlands. In our collaborations, we connect all parties involved to work together optimally for nature conservation and restoration. The list below contains parts of our collaborative partners and is not exhaustive.

Financing partners

Dutch Postcode Lottery

IUCN NL has been a beneficiary of the Dutch Postcode Lottery since 2001 and receives an annual contribution, which it is free to spend on its mission, amounting to €900,000. IUCN NL has used this support since 2001, to manage the Land Acquisition Fund, among others. The contribution is also used to fund our activities for the platform of Dutch IUCN member organisations.

In addition to the standard contribution, IUCN NL regularly receives additional project funding from the Lottery. In 2022, together with Wilde Ganzen we received funding for Strengthen the Roots and in 2023 we could start the Bottom Line! project, thanks to the Postcode Lottery’s generous support.

logo nationale postcode loterij

Dutch government

IUCN NL has a long history of cooperation with the Dutch government, in particular with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature. During 2021-2025, IUCN NL is part of Forests for a Just Future , a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 2019 through 2025, IUCN NL is part of the Mobilising More 4 Climate (MoMo4C) consortium, also supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition, we receive shorter-term programme funding from the Ministry and embassies. From the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature we receive funding to support Dutch input for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and greening the Dutch economy.

Logo Rijksoverheid

European Union

IUCN NL receives several project grants from the European Union.

Together with our REWET partners, we map out the potential of wetlands for the sustainable recovery and conservation of these important ecosystems.

With support from the EU, we also contributed to the protection of nature in the national parks of Lake Upemba and Kundelungu in the south of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

European Union flag

Other financing partners

IUCN NL also receives funding for specific project from various donors. The organisations below currently support or recently supported one or more of our projects.

AFD logo
Adessium Foundation
UNEP logo


Groene 11

Groene 11 is the cooperation partnership for public affairs of different nature and environmental organisations. Groene 11 helps increase the effectiveness of the lobbying work carried out by participating organisations towards the Dutch government. The following organisations are part of Groene 11: Greenpeace, IUCN NL, IVN, LandschappenNL, Milieudefensie, Natuur & Milieu, Natuur en Milieufederaties, Natuurmonumenten, SoortenNL, Stichting De Noordzee, Vogelbescherming Nederland, Waddenvereniging, and the World Wide Fund for Nature. More information:


IUCN NL is a member of Partos, the Dutch membership body for organisations working on international solidarity. Through defending the interests of its members, in the field of advocacy, communication and innovation, Partos helps members to successfully work towards creating a just, fair and sustainable world for everyone. Moreover, in an atmosphere of mutual trust, Partos strives to connect, strengthen, renew and represent its members

Deltaplan for Restoring Biodiversity 

As a partner of the Deltaplan for Restoring Biodiversity we work to make the Netherlands a country in which people and nature can flourish. The Deltaplan’s ambition is to transform biodiversity loss in the Netherlands into biodiversity restoration. A broad social movement is needed to achieve this. The Deltaplan unites knowledge institutes, agricultural representatives, citizens, businesses, nature and environmental organisations and banks.